- Artist: Judy Putz
Sculpture Artist: Bountiful Baby Kit Name: Nikolas
Length: 23″ (58.42 cm) Weight: 11lbs
Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Not Applicable Head Material: Vinyl
Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Cloth
Age: Older Baby (2-12 mo) Gender: Your Choice Eyes: Awake
Eye Material: Glass Lashes: Rooted
Hair: Painted
Paint: Heat Set Paint
Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil
Weighting: Steel Pellets Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included
Pacifier Type: Magnetic Pacifier Drink and Wet: Yes
Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: Yes Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned
Seller: Is the artist
Availability: Ready to be shipped
500 $
Nikolas has a vinyl head that has been painted with a multitude of thin layers of Genesis heat set paint and genesis matte varnish. S/he has a full cloth Bountiful Baby cuddle body and cloth limbs weighted with fine glass bead, steel pellets and polyester stuffing. S/he has brown painted hair and eyebrows and rooted brown lashes. Nikolas takes /magnetic pacifier. You can choose gender. S/he will come in an outfit of my choice, a magnetic pacifier, and wrapped in a blanket, along with a few other small items. Nikolas fits nicely in 6 month clothes.
His eyes are slightly askew.
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