- Artist: Judy Putz
Sculpture Artist: Bobby Wills
Kit Name: Laurie
Purchased From: Macphersons
Length: 19″ (48.26 cm)
Weight: 4 lbs 8 oz
Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): YesHead Material: Vinyl
Body Material: Cloth
Limb Material: Vinyl
Age: Newborn (0-3 mo)
Gender: Your Choice
Torso/Plate: Full Front Plate – Non Gendered
Arms: Full Length
Legs: Full Length
Edition: Limited Edition (LE) [1200] Eyes: Asleep
Lashes: Rooted
Hair: Rooted
Paint: Heat Set Paint
Weighting: Fine Glass Beads
Weighting: Polyfil
Weighting: Steel Pellets
Skin Color: Mottled
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Pacifier Type: Can’t Take a PacifierCategory: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned
Seller: Is the artist
Availability: Ready to be shipped
600 $
Presenting reborn Laurie sculpted by Cassie Ann Love (Brace)
Details include:
- Choice of a boy or a girl
- Full vinyl limbs
- Cloth body
- Painted tummy plate
- Heat set paints
- Mottled skin with the appearance of tiny capillaries, blemishes, milia and a tiny scratch tipped and sealed nails
Sealed with a combination of matte satin varnish touches of moisture where needed for extra realism
Rooted eyelashes. - Micro rooted light brown hair
Weighted with tiny glass beads, steel shot and premium poly fil
Comes with either the girl outfits or boy outfits shown in the pictures. - Also white onesies, diaper, blush blanket, hair accessories for girl and comb and brush.
All the pictures were taken in the natural light at different times.
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